Explore Fabriktor Features

Our App Has A Lot To Offer!
Walkie Talkie Messaging
Stay instantly connected with your construction team using our Walkie Talkie feature, enabling real-time voice messaging on the worksite. With the convenience of instant playback on the recipient's device, communication becomes seamless and efficient.
Worksite Management
Effortlessly manage multiple worksites and stay organized with centralized project tracking and job assignment. With a clear overview of worksite progress, you can optimize resource allocation, streamline workflows, and prioritize tasks effectively. All of this inside a user-friendly intuitive interface.
Job Management
Easily create and manage multiple jobs, each related to a specific worksite, to keep projects organized and on track. Foremen can mark jobs as completed, providing clear indicators of task fulfillment and project milestones. With our intuitive interface, stay updated on job statuses.
Team Management
Simplify workforce management with our Employees List Management feature, offering seamless employee movement between worksites. Easily reassign employees based on project requirements, skillsets, and availability. By streamlining this process, you can optimize workforce distribution, improve worksite productivity, and respond quickly to project demands.
Push Notifications
Benefit from real-time notifications for every action taken, whether you are an employee or an employer. Each time an employee or employer performs a task within the app, a proper notification is triggered to alert the respective member or members involved. Embrace the efficiency and productivity that come with staying informed in real-time.
Chat Communication
Foster effective and real-time communication among your construction team with our Chat Communication feature. Exchange messages, updates, and project details instantly, facilitating seamless collaboration. Create individual or group chats.
Audio Calls
Facilitate immediate and direct audio communication with our Audio Calls feature. Connect with team members, foremen, or project stakeholders instantly, regardless of location. From discussing critical project details to resolving urgent matters, our crystal-clear audio calls ensure effective communication within your construction team.
Video Calls
Bridge geographical gaps and foster face-to-face collaboration with our Video Calls feature. Conduct virtual meetings, site inspections, or remote consultations with ease. Enable real-time visual communication and ensure everyone is on the same page, regardless of their physical location.
Punch In & Punch Out
Employees can easily record their work hours by clocking in and out using the app, streamlining the timekeeping process. In the event of a forgotten punch-out or a late punch-out, employees have the flexibility to manually adjust their time. Alternatively, they can choose to rely on the recorded hours of their respective worksite foremen.
Foremen Assignment
Empower worksite supervision with our Foremen Assignment feature, allowing you to designate experienced foremen to specific worksites. Efficiently allocate skilled leaders based on project requirements, ensuring effective coordination and supervision.
Hours Calculation
Simplify the process of managing employee work hours with our Automatic Hours Calculation feature. This powerful tool automates the calculation of work hours, including overtime and breaks, resulting in accurate and reliable records. With improved time management, enhance worksite productivity, save valuable time, and minimize errors.
QuickBooks & Sage 50
Effortlessly integrate employee data and work hours into QuickBooks & Sage 50. Say goodbye to manual data entry and ensure precise payroll calculations. By seamlessly transferring time records, you can expedite payroll processing, maintain financial transparency, and enhance accounting accuracy. Simplify your financial management now.
Reports Generation
Instead of automatically importing hours to QuickBooks or Sage 50, our tool allows users to export the generated hours report seamlessly. This ensures compatibility and convenience for those who rely on desktop-based software, empowering them to maintain their preferred accounting systems while benefiting from our advanced reports.